Just a few of my lovely felted purses

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chewed up and spit out...come on three day weekend!

Okay, I haven't written lately because I have been busy and overwhelmed. That and I have a cough and a scratchy throat along with my world of children is filled with sick kids. The land of the H1N1 or regular flu is circling our world like a hawk ready to strike. I just hope that it skips me along with my family, is that so much to ask? We got our flu shots...we, we are good people and we know how to take care of ourselves, (cough, cough...). Awww! Who am I kidding? I will be knocked off me "I'm okay, your okay" pedestal and topple to the clay floor with bucket in hand..."pass the pretzels and saltines and hello bed!" But, for now, I fight off even the IDEA of sickness as best I can. What to do when you teach a bazillion kids everyday and your are surrounded by sick kids? I will live to play another day.
Life has been crazy and it always amazes me how the life of a teacher is always so busy. There seems to be no end to my grading and there are always more demands on us, never less, always more. I do my best everyday, but even I am overwhelmed. And, it's not just me. This is my ninth year of teaching and I have heard from many teacher's my senior that they are overwhelmed too. All I can do is "just keep swimming" in this eternal quagmire I call---life of teacher lady...a.k.a.---me. No matter what, what truly is evident is, I love teaching OR, I wouldn't be putting myself through this day in and day out. I am not there to fill out the abundance of paperwork or do various things online, I am there for the children who depend on me to teach them how to be avid learners. I teach the ones that usually fall through the cracks and without teachers like me, they would merely be wallpaper adorning the wall, blending in, neither seen or heard. I will continue on, but BOY! Friday is looking reallllly good. Come on Friday, come on Friday....time for rest.

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