Just a few of my lovely felted purses

Monday, July 12, 2010

In the land of Cobwebs, I Return!

Hello to all of my wonderful readers! I have been neglectful of my blog, but have been spending time writing privately, so sorry I wasn't sharing. I suppose you might want to give me a bad report card, "does not share well with others." It has been a bumpy roller coaster of this thing I call "life of Jen" and I am so happy to say that I now smile every day. I am retiring from teaching and am merely waiting for the paperwork to go through. The reason for my retiring is due to my MS and the fact that I get very fatigued, sometimes walk with a cane and overall have no life left in me, after teaching 150 students, to share of myself with my family. After nine wonderful years of teaching along with years of being a preschool teacher, youth theatre director and assistant youth theatre directors and teaching students at various schools in the summers, I am ready to teach the most important child---my daughter, Heather. I will be home schooling Heather this fall and look forward to what truly starts every summer in the form of "Camp De Mommy." Between this, spending time with my husband and writing, writing, writing, I am very happy with my choice.
I am happy to say that I am, once again, attending the Antioch Writer's Workshop this week and am so amazed by how wonderful it makes me feel. The experience is truly immeasurable and the time spent with writers is worth so much more than anything else I can imagine. I am blessed to have an understanding husband who allows me to follow my dreams and supports me and my writing in every way. Heather also loves the fact that mommy is a writer!
Tomorrow I embark on the journey of pitching my work to an agent and, once again, I am so excited. The difference between last year and this year is that---I have a book---in hand. No lofty ideas that need to fill a page in the future. I have a project worthy of print. For me, the goal is merely to be consistent, to write daily and to be true to my craft. I wish for no fame, but will do whatever I can to have my voice heard by many. So, I will write and write and please, write me and get on my case. As my friend, as my reader, question me, pester me and ask those lovely words, "So, how's the writing?" I will answer you and I will blog again---often....for nothing stands in my way now.

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