Just a few of my lovely felted purses

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oliver was baptised today!

Today, we went to church to watch Oliver, my little nephew, get baptised. He was so adorable! He was up there with another little child, a girl who was only six months old. Oliver is 15 months old and a total spitfire! He was a movin and a shakin and having fun with Kate, Dave, Sarah, Derek, and Bert (Dave's best friend) and was as cute as can be! Then, it was his turn to be baptised and the minister held him up and poured the water over his head. He looked like, "Oh! Is it bathtime?" It was adorable. Then, the last scoop of water landed in his eyes. After all was said and done, the minister said, "For a minute there, I didn't know if this was a Baptist baptism or Episcopalian!" The congregation laughed. It was great. Now, Oliver is running around the house with Heather at his heels and his newest thing is to walk around with his tongue sticking out! It is very cute. So, all is well, hot, but well. It is suppose to get up to 92 degrees today! Yuck! The MS in me is screaming, but I will survive. Someday I will have a house in Maine, someday I will have a house in Maine.

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