The room around me filled with the learned.
Minds open, ready for more input.
Pens racing across the page,
nods of bobble heads
as the teacher preaches all he knows.
We sit, transfixed,
yet our monkey minds go
in many directions:
"Did I turn off the coffeepot?"
"What did he just say?"
"Where do we want to go for lunch?"
PowerPoint pictures shine
in bold colors before us,
then, black and white.
The world of academia
being pushed in the corners
of its structured four walls.
Our boxes, ripping open,
becoming whatever we make of them.
I have to smile at my surroundings.
So many stories in one room.
You can almost hear the buzz
of each character talking
in the minds of so many writers.
Masters of language...
doubting their abilities.
Trust artists, humble and eager.
Minds speaking volumes of
what is to be written down for all to see
or...only one.
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