Just a few of my lovely felted purses

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Homeschooling with Heather

     It has been quite an interesting ride this past "almost" month of homeschooling...I truly cannot describe how much fun I have had. Teaching my own daughter has taught me a great deal about myself and also taught me how much I need to learn. As a person who attended some private and public school, I thought that I had a good overall education. I got my bachelors from Wittenberg, a Masters from EKU along with halfway to a doctorate from EKU. I feel shortchanged by my school experience in the elementary, middle and high school years. I am learning so much more than I did then and really enjoying it! I am reading books that I should have been taught in high school and college, but was never taught. I am learning things about American history that I never knew.
     I am pleased with Heather's progress and we have a full fledged classroom at home. It was wonderful to be outside today and enjoy a walk along with reading on our deck with Heather in the hammock and me in a comfy chair. School is a word that can apply to many places and school outside was wonderful. So, in my world of learning and teaching, tomorrow is a glorious thing.